Authors: P. Phelan, J. Steinbeck, R. Walter
Year: 2018
Title: Influence of internal bores on larval fish abundance and community composition
Keywords/Categories: larval fish, community ecology, physical oceanography
Authors: Walter, R. K., K. J. Armenta, B. Shearer, I. Robbins, and J. Steinbeck
Year: 2018
Title: Coastal upwelling seasonality and variability of temperature and chlorophyll in a small coastal embayment
Keywords/Categories: community ecology, fish ecology, fisheries, long-term study
Authors: R. Walter, P. Phelan
Year: 2017
Title: Internal bore seasonality and tidal pumping of subthermocline waters at the head of the Monterey submarine canyon
Keywords/Categories: physical oceanography
Authors: John Stephens Jnr., Daniel Pondella II, John Steinbeck, Jay Carroll, Milton Love
Year: 2016
Title: Biogeography of the trawl-caught fishes of California and an examination of the Point Conception faunal break
Keywords/Categories: community ecology, fish ecology, fisheries, long-term study
Authors: Steinbeck, J., J. Phelan, and C. Raifsnider
Year: 2016
Title: Development of Habitat Restoration Programs for the Mitigation of Impingement and Entrainment Effects from Intakes for Seawater Desalination Facilities
Keywords/Categories: community ecology, fish ecology, fisheries, long-term study
Authors: Jan Roletto, Scott Kimura, Gery Cox, John Steinbeck
Year: 2015
Title: Black abalone survey of the South Farallon Islands: summary report.
Keywords/Categories: intertidal habitat, protected species
Authors: John Steinbeck, Joe Phelan
Year: 2015
Title: Habitat restoration to offset effects of desalination intakes
Keywords/Categories: impact assessment, mitigation, habitat restoration, policy
Authors: Kimura, S., G. Waltz, J. Steinbeck, and D. Wendt
Year: 2014
Title: An enhanced method of evaluation, assessment, and statistical inference to assist management decisions on coastal access to rocky shores
Keywords/Categories: community ecology, fish ecology, fisheries, long-term study
Authors: John Steinbeck, John Hedgepeth, Peter Raimondi, Greg Cailliet, David Mayer
Year: 2007
Title: Assessing power plant cooling water intake system entrainment impacts
Keywords/Categories: intake assessment, power plants, entrainment, larval fish, impacts, policy
Authors: John Stephens, Dean Wendt, Debra Wilson-Vandenberg, Jay Carroll, Royden Nakamura, Erin Nakada, Steven Reinecke, Jono Wilson
Year: 2006
Title: Rockfish resources of the south Central California coast: Analysis of the resource from partyboat data, 1980-2005
Keywords/Categories: community ecology, fish ecology, fisheries, long-term study
Authors: White, E. P., Adler, P. B., Lauenroth, W. K., Gill, R. A.., Greenberg, D., Kaufman, D. M., Rassweiler, A., Rusak, J. A., Smith, M. D., Steinbeck, J. R., Waidr, R. B. and Yao, J
Year: 2006
Title: A comparison of the species – time relationship across ecosystems and taxonomic groups
Keywords/Categories: community ecology, fish ecology, fisheries, long-term study
Authors: Steinbeck, J. R., D.R. Schiel, and M.S. Foster
Year: 2005
Title: Detecting long-term change in complex communities: a case study from the rocky intertidal zone
Keywords/Categories: community ecology, fish ecology, fisheries, long-term study
Authors: Schiel, D.R., J. R. Steinbeck, and M.S. Foster
Year: 2004
Title: Ten years of induced ocean warming causes comprehensive changes in marine benthic communities
Keywords/Categories: community ecology, fish ecology, fisheries, long-term study
Authors: Ehrler, C.P., J. R. Steinbeck, E.A. Laman, J.B. Hedgepeth, J.R. Skalski, and D.L. Mayer
Year: 2003
Title: A process for evaluating adverse environmental impacts by cooling-water system entrainment at a California power plant. In Defining and Assessing Adverse Environmental Impact from Power Plant Impingement and Entrainment of Aquatic Organisms
Keywords/Categories: community ecology, fish ecology, fisheries, long-term study
Authors: Jay Carroll, John Engle, James Coyer, Richard Ambrose
Year: 2002
Title: Long-Term changes and species interactions in a sea urchin-dominated community at Anacapa Island, California
Keywords/Categories: community ecology, long-term study, subtidal habitat
Authors: C. Ehrler, J. Steinbeck, E. Laman, J. Hedgepeth, J. Skalski, D. Mayer
Year: 2002
Title: A process for valuating adverse environmental inmpacts by cooling-water system entrainment at a California power plant
Keywords/Categories: intake assessment, power plants, desalination, entrainment, larval fish, impacts, mitigation
Authors: Chris Ehrler, Carol Raifsnider
Year: 2000
Title: Evaluation of the effectiveness of intake wedgewire screens
Keywords/Categories: intake assessment, power plants, desalination, entrainment, larval fish, impacts, mitigation
Authors: Kimura, S. and J. Steinbeck
Year: 1999
Title: Can post-oil spill patterns of change be used to infer recovery?
Keywords/Categories: community ecology, fish ecology, fisheries, long-term study
Authors: Hymanson, Z., D. Mayer and J. Steinbeck
Year: 1994
Title: Long-term trends in benthos abundance and persistence in the upper Sacramento-San Joaquin estuary
Keywords/Categories: community ecology, fish ecology, fisheries, long-term study

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