Tenera leverages its core experience in applied ecological assessment to support policy developers in crafting policy that is both rigorous, in-line with policy makers goals, and incorporates a balanced view of opposing issues. Our extensive experience of implementing field studies and impact assessments that conform with policy requirements has provided us with a unique insight into how policy impacts project delivery. This top-to-bottom perspective, rooted in our multi-decades of experience implementing field studies and undertaking analyses to meet policy goals, provides Tenera’s staff with a unique ability to review and advise on policy development.
Tenera prides itself on a science-based approach to everything we do. Our data scientists understand the importance of:
- Goal focus;
- Balancing stakeholder interests; and
- Objective analysis through rigorous experimental and/or observational survey design
These principles influence how we approach our review and advisory roles in the policy context, because we believe that good policy provides the flexibility to allow for innovation, while focusing the outcomes on a shared goal of sustainable development that meets stakeholders needs.
- Policy focused, strategic-level project planning
- Technical white papers
- Policy review for project proponents
- Advisory services for policy makers
- Technical working group inputs
Project examples
- SWRCB Desal Amendment
- OTC Policy
- 316b Compliance for Moss Landing Power Plant

CA DGS Certified Small Business #34521
141 Suburban Rd, Ste A2, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. (805) 541 0310
© 2018, Tenera Environmental. All rights reserved.