Seafood is a valuable cultural and economic resource. Tenera recognizes the importance of these resources to local communities and economies.
Through our expertise in marine science, environmental impact assessment, and policy development and implementation, Tenera can provide a broad range of advisory and data services to the fishery and aquaculture sectors, both to industry clients and government agencies.
We leverage our extensive marine science experience when undertaking recreational and commercial fishery assessments for CEQA and NEPA and conducting Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) assessments. We also design and implement studies to collect information that can support the ongoing operation and maintenance of fishery and aquaculture facilities. Tenera has a wealth of marine taxonomic and field expertise, allowing us to work as fisheries monitors on fishing vessels or undertake invasive species surveys, for example. Our instrumentation experience allows us to design, develop and implement novel technology solutions for our clients, such as video monitoring systems, real-time or autonomous sensor deployment, or the use of acoustic instrumentation to monitor fish activity.
Our expertise includes:
- Marine biological survey design and analysis
- Fishery monitoring
- Autonomous/real-time environmental instrumentation
- Water quality sampling
- Technical inputs to planning and permitting processes

CA DGS Certified Small Business #34521
141 Suburban Rd, Ste A2, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. (805) 541 0310
© 2018, Tenera Environmental. All rights reserved.