For more than 20 years, we have assisted port, harbor, and marina managers with regulatory compliance requirements.
We have an excellent working relationship with many of the regulatory agencies, including the California Coastal Commission, US Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Boards, US EPA, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Tenera’s staff of ecologists and biologists provide their clients with innovative and cost-effective solutions to complex projects. Tenera has successfully completed numerous projects within ports, harbors, and marinas throughout the West Coast and has extensive experience characterizing existing conditions for eelgrass, fishes, benthic infauna and macroinvertebrates, as well as invasive (non-native) species.
Our other expertise includes storm water permitting, collection and analysis of sediment and water quality samples, current flow measurement and modeling, mapping and inspection of highly turbid submerged environments using side scan sonar and Didson camera, hydrodynamic modeling of marina sediment accretion and deposition, and wetlands delineation. Tenera has a full complement of instrumentation for all aspects of field data collection including GPS equipment to allow an accurate depiction of the sampled locations and integration with GIS mapping software.
- Dredge permitting, including sampling and analysis plan development
- Eelgrass and invasive species surveys/mapping
- Marine surveys and monitoring (biological and physical)
- Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) survey and assessment
- NPDES stormwater permitting, training and monitoring
- Marine sediment and water quality sampling and analysis (biological, chemical and physical)
- Impact assessment, monitoring, mitigation and restoration
- Bathymetry mapping
- Water current measurement and modeling
- Marine mammal mitigation plans and monitoring

CA DGS Certified Small Business #34521
141 Suburban Rd, Ste A2, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. (805) 541 0310
© 2018, Tenera Environmental. All rights reserved.