Tenera supports a range of clients operating in the coastal and marine environment.
We leverage our expertise and experience in marine science to support our clients in industry and government by providing a full range of marine environmental services, from designing and implementing marine surveys, to specialist advisory services that underpin our clients decision making process.
Follow the links below to explore the services.
Marine Science
We have the technical capabilities and specialized equipment to fully document the physical and biological oceanographic environment for specific assessments.
Sidescan sonar, digital underwater video, precision temperature data collection, ADCP current profiling, sediment core sampling, and GIS habitat mapping are just some of the tools we use to provide our clients with comprehensive data to underpin their decision-making process.
Planning and Permitting
Although we have broad experience with a range of environmental permitting, our primary focus are issues related to the Federal Clean Water Act and state water regulations, endangered species issues in marine and freshwater, and coastal habitats.
Geographic Information Systems
We can combine baseline data derived from existing and archived sources with today’s current digital information data sources to create a cost-effective integrated solution for project-specific answers for management and planning.
Storm Water Monitoring
We assist our clients in meeting regulatory requirements by helping to develop and implement site plans and site specific Best Management Practices (BMPs).
Policy Assessment and Development
Tenera leverages its core experience in applied ecological assessment to support policy developers in crafting policy that is both rigorous, in-line with policy makers goals, and incorporates a balanced view of opposing issues. Our extensive experience of implementing field studies and impact assessments that conform with policy requirements has provided us with a unique insight into how policy impacts project delivery.
Oil Spill Response and Impact Studies
Our team of highly experienced field scientists are able to mobilize to respond to a spill event within a few hours of notification from our home office in San Luis Obispo, CA. Because we maintain an active marine survey program, logging hundreds of hours a year undertaking marine surveys, our staff are highly experienced in the methods used to collect high quality marine environmental data. We also maintain HAZWOPER qualifications for several of our key field scientists, allowing them to mobilize immediately to controlled shorelines.

CA DGS Certified Small Business #34521
141 Suburban Rd, Ste A2, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. (805) 541 0310
© 2018, Tenera Environmental. All rights reserved.