Although we have broad experience with a range of environmental permitting, our primary focus are issues related to the Federal Clean Water Act and state water regulations, endangered species issues in marine and freshwater, and coastal habitats.
Our experience and depth of understanding of these issues help our clients meet their regulatory requirements and improve their environmental stewardship. We have long-term working relationships with both industry and regulatory agencies, and are currently involved in public and agency workshops with industry, environmental groups, and Federal and state regulatory staff on issues related to water quality and endangered species.

Main service areas:
- Essential Fish Habitat Assessment
- CEQA Compliance
- Environmental Impact Reports
- Inital Studies
- NPDES Permitting
- Environmental assessments
- Mitigation monitoring

CA DGS Certified Small Business #34521
141 Suburban Rd, Ste A2, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. (805) 541 0310
© 2018, Tenera Environmental. All rights reserved.