We assist our clients in meeting regulatory requirements by helping to develop and implement site plans and site specific Best Management Practices (BMPs).
The federal Clean Water Act requires that all municipal, industrial and commercial facilities that discharge wastewater or storm water directly from a point source into a water of the United States (such as a lake, river, or ocean) must obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. These permits have a number of requirements that need to be implemented for the site’s regulatory compliance.
Main services:
- Completion of Notice of Intent (NOI) paperwork
- Storm water collection and courier service
- Development of Storm Water Management Plans (SWMP), Guidance Documents, and Implementation Plans
- Development of and conducting required new and refresher employee training
- Development of online storm water training module
- Development and implementation Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
- Completion of Annual Reports
- Represent clients at meetings with regulators
- Development of Corporation Yard Plan for municipality’s implementation for compliance
- Update to Municipal Operations Plan that incorporated all city activities related to storm water

CA DGS Certified Small Business #34521
141 Suburban Rd, Ste A2, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. (805) 541 0310
© 2018, Tenera Environmental. All rights reserved.